First and foremost this is not a tutorial, I am not an expert and everything I know I have learnt myself, I implore you to do your due diligence and research as much as you can. Making wax melts itself is pretty straight forward, the safe & legal side is a tad more complex.
I would encourage you to buy your materials from reputable suppliers,
If you are making wax melts to sell and using fragrance oils, only buy from fragrance oil suppliers who provide all of the safety sheets you need
I make wax melts using 10% fragrance oil and coconut & rapeseed wax
(Using gel wax is more complex and I cannot comment on this as I have little knowledge)
You need Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Some suppliers provide these at 100% concentrate, others will give you the 10%
You must retain the SDS sheets for all fragrances you stock, they hold all of the safety information associated with your oil
IFRA - This form is important as it tells you how much % of your chosen fragrance oil you can use for a specific product, or even if its safe to use it in your end product at all
ALLERGEN REPORT - Speaks for itself, it tells you all of the allergens present in your fragrance oil
INSURANCE - Get insured. I use craft cover
I recommend product & public liability
This is incredibly important and a must for you to keep your products legal to sell to the public. CLP labels will show the scent, the allergens and pictograms (if any)
There are many companies out there that will make these for you, I use Magic CLP
The CLP will also show your business name, address & phone number
Keep batch numbers. If something is recalled from a supplier, you're going to want to know where in your products you have used it so that you can put your recall procedure into place
I also add safety labels on my products where I can, I buy these from Magic CLP
I also add 'do not eat' labels to my products, I have these made from a printers
I will continue to update this page and if you wish to discuss anything please get in touch.
Making wax melts is fun and even though the market is saturated it is more than possible to start your own business and be successful, people need to know they are purchasing from a responsible vendor who sells safe & legal products
I hope to include a bit on UFI numbers soon but that is for another day.
In short, a UFI number is a unique fragrance identifier that MUST be labelled on any products you sell outside of the UK. I don't sell outside of the UK so I have little knowledge on this at the moment however it is something I am currently in the process of learning
Thanks for reading
Sarah :)